Just Thinking... In a few days we complete 4 months together...Life has just been smooth and great...I am just thinking if there are things which I thought would happen but did not... ** I hate paying bills/keeping track of accounts/expenses. I was just hoping to get this burden off and move it to the guy I marry. Looks like that is not the case ;-) he seems to be very smart in pushing things to me. Like the other day i actually got the airtel form for him...few months back if someone told this to me...I would have said never!
** My cousin and her husband work in the same office. Her husband once told me..."hey u guys in the same office...u guys gonna end up waiting for each other and it can be frustrating at times". I said "No way, I go home when I finish and he goes home when he finishes". But I find myself waiting for him...but i do agree, it does get frustrating at times. But if I dont do that, we would meet only during the weekends, and that might get even more frustrating :-)
I am sure the second one will change when we get married...i really doubt the first one.
But keeping these two aside, we have had no major fights...and I am not avoiding fights to please him...is this something i should be happy about??? Wonder when i will start circling the dates in the calendar like shalini does in alaipauthey. May be I will just try disagreeing to anything and everything he says and see what happens...God! of all the things to worry about I am worrying about not fighting with him!!! Sigh!
¶ 7:10 PM
hey RT, me and my hubby works in the same office too! when we were courting, it was all the more difficult and frustrating :(....