Being in chennai, with all the water scarcity and with everybody praying for more rain, I should probably not be saying this, but this rain makes everything so messy...The roads are totally horrible...there is water everywhere...just everywhere. I have to walk for about 5-10 mts from home to bus stand - but god only knows how many prayers I have uttered in those 5 mts. Everytime, a car crosses by, I say a prayer, hoping the driver would notice the pool of water and slow down and my dress would be saved.
So, whatz good about these rainy days???
rainy day => do not get up from bed + novel + something kara kara to korichify + some music depending on mood
¶ 4:57 PM
just noticed ur idea of blogging w/ diff colors... i like!!!
But you know what I love about the rain in India? After a dusty, hot, humid day, when the rain gods pour their heart out, I love the cool, fresh air that hangs around; leaves that look a fresh green and the smell of wet earth tickling one's senses...sigh. Hot masala chai on such an evening would definitely be my idea of heaven. Rain in the US never has the same effect...:(