I am back...it has been a really really long time...I will blame it on non-availability of time, location change from india to US, project work, but I can't deny that I sometimes redefine laziness. But now I am back and here goes my random thoughts from the last three months...
* I cant describe how relieved i was to come here and see s~ at the airport. The gruelling flight journey and the security checks dint matter much at that point of time.
* I can never forget that I had to pay 900 bucks to come to bombay international airport from the domestic airport!!!! After all this, that guy asked me 100 bucks to take the luggage out of the car. With my little hindi speaking skills I managed to escape that but coudnt do anything at all about the 900 bucks. I somehow had to get there, and I was running late.
* Assembling furniture is fun only for the first few minutes. After that it becomes - Oh my god! when will complete this. I remembered this 'friends' serial where ross is assembling a furniture and joey and chandler are doing another. In the end joey finds that they have an extra piece which he does not know what to do with and puts in the trash. Then we see Ross searching for a piece that is shown in the drawing but he is not able to find it :-))) It is fun to watch people struggle but it is not so much fun when you are the one who is struggling.
* All the movies which I have seen in AMC have been crappy. I would have seen atleast 7-8 movies till now and it has been a total waste. But we did find a nice little theater -Mann theatre where we can see the same movie for 3$. The movies get released here after they are screened in AMC. But am I complaining???
* Thalai Diwali - I had started with ambitious plans of making 'therattupal'. But it requires so much patience plus the quantity kept reducing, I had to convert it into my tried and tested carrot halwa :-)
*My first experience with the slot machines...we made 200 bucks and then we lost all of them too:-(
*BTW, is it normal to receive thank you cards from pharmacy? We just got a medicated moisturizing cream and we got a thank you card sighned by all the employees. It said the entire staff would like to thank us for choosing them as the pharmacy and that they hoped the first visit to pharmacy was enjoyable...atleast it did not say, hope you come back again:-)
*And now to the best and latest update - we are going to vegas & grand canyon during thanks giving. I have already started the coutdown :-)